This is the #SLAA Online Group website.
This is not the official SLAA website.

Best Viewed Sober

Welcome to the
#SLAA Online Group

of Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous
on StarLink-IRC.Org IRC


#SLAA Online Group Officers

Nominating and Voting Procedures

Thank you for your interest and participation!

In February, 1999, the #SLAA Online Group began conducting business meetings and formed officers in June, 1999.  We welcome and encourage all members of the #SLAA Online Group to participate in both the nominations process and the voting process.  There are seven officer positions, and they serve a one-year term of office:  Chairperson, Co-Chairperson, Secretary, Liaison Officer, Webmaster, Co-Webmaster and Treasurer. 

Starting in May each year, both submitting your nominations and subsequently your votes is easy.  Each member may nominate any person or persons for the seven officer positions (or some of them).  You are permitted to nominate yourself. You may nominate (and later vote the same way) at any time within the timeframe above.  Please submit your nominations and votes in either of two ways:  via email OR via chatroom (covered in the next paragraph).  A person may wind up being nominated for more than one office.  This is allowed, however, we discourage individual members from nominating or voting for one person for more than one office.  Once a member is nominated, we will quickly email them to see if they accept or decline the nomination.  As of June 1, you may vote for members who have not declined the nomination.

To nominate or vote via email, please send your email to our Trusted Servant email address for this purpose, and include your usual #SLAA chatroom nickname and your nominations or votes for each of the seven officer positions (or some of them).  To nominate or vote via chatroom, please message (privately or publicly) ANY operator (the ones with the "@" or "&"by their nicknames).  They will email this information on your behalf.  Only the officers have access to this information.

Following is a list of the responsibilities and requirements for each of the offices:

1. Chairperson

  • Becomes Founder/Owner of #SLAA channel.
  • Be responsible for #SLAA channel to follow server rules (per StarLink-IRC.Org guidelines)
  • Lead committee to develop policy and guidelines for channel
  • Finalize any scheduling conflicts with OP's
  • Lead officers in establishing consensus determining conflicts over restriction/bans applied for inappropriate behavior when an incident is not clear or not covered in guidelines
  • Lead a review committee when a claim of unfair treatment occurs
  • 1 year continuous sobriety with working knowledge of 12 Steps & 12 Traditions. (Motion approved 7/7/15)
  • 6 months as OP is required (Motion passed 6/04/2013)
2. Co-Chairperson
  • Becomes Founder/Owner of #SLAA2 channel.
  • Be responsible for #SLAA2 channel to follow server rules (per StarLink-IRC.Org guidelines)
  • Perform all functions of Chairperson in his/her absence
  • Serve on all committees with Chairperson
  • Assist Chairperson as requested
  • Provide input to establish officer consensus determining conflicts over restriction/bans applied for inappropriate behavior when an incident is not clear or not covered in guidelines
  • 1 year continuous sobriety with working knowledge of 12 Steps & 12 Traditions. (Motion approved 7/7/15)
  • 6 months as OP is required (Motion passed 6/04/2013)
3. Secretary
  • Be responsible for minutes of all Member (business) meetings
  • Serve on all committees with Chairperson
  • Maintain the email inbox, replying to information requests and forwarding business email
  • Provide input to establish officer consensus determining conflicts over restriction/bans applied for inappropriate behavior when an incident is not clear or not covered in guidelines
  • Becomes SOP Level 10
  • 1 year continuous sobriety with working knowledge of 12 Steps & 12 Traditions. (Moved by NancyD – MOTION APPROVED 7/7/15)
  • 6 months as OP is required (Motion passed 6/04/2013)
4. Liaison Officer
  • Keep the #SLAA Online Group's membership aware of S.L.A.A. FWS issues of interest
  • Keep S.L.A.A. FWS aware of the #SLAA Online Group's meeting times and any changes
  • Work with the Webmaster in keeping SLAA Online meetings and website URL posted and accurate in other recovery site links
  • Provide input to establish officer consensus determining conflicts over restriction/bans applied for inappropriate behavior when an incident is not clear or not covered in guidelines
  • Becomes SOP Level 10
  • 1 year continuous sobriety with working knowledge of 12 Steps & 12 Traditions. (Motion approved 7/7/15)
  • 6 months as OP is required (Motion passed 6/04/2013)
5. Webmaster
  • Maintain #SLAA Online website
  • Be responsible for keeping notice of #SLAA meetings and website URL posted and accurate in other recovery site links
  • Ability and technical knowledge to manage and modify #SLAA Online website required
  • Assist in #SLAA (and #SLAA2) channel technical needs and training
  • Provide input to establish officer consensus determining conflicts over restriction/bans applied for inappropriate behavior when an incident is not clear or not covered in guidelines
  • Post the monthly minutes prepared by the Secretary to the website
  • Becomes SOP Level 10
  • 1 year continuous sobriety with working knowledge of 12 Steps & 12 Traditions. (Motion approved 7/7/15)
  • 6 months as OP is required (Motion passed 6/04/2013)
6. Co-Webmaster
  • Perform all functions of Webmaster in his/her absence
  • Assist with maintaining #SLAA Online website
  • Ability and technical knowledge to manage and modify #SLAA Online website required
  • Provide input to establish officer consensus determining conflicts over restriction/bans applied for inappropriate behavior when an incident is not clear or not covered in guidelines
  • Assist in #SLAA (and #SLAA2) channel technical needs and training
  • Becomes SOP Level 10
  • 1 year continuous sobriety with working knowledge of 12 Steps & 12 Traditions. (Motion approved 7/7/15)
  • 6 months as OP is required (Motion passed 6/04/2013)
7. Treasurer
  • Provides input to establish officer consensus determining conflicts over restrictions/bans applied for inappropriate behaviors when an incidence is not clear or not covered in the guidelines
  • Collects donations from fellowship from #SLAA Online P.O. Box, regularly (P.O. Box to be in the area wherever the Treasurer is)
  • Pays website fee monthly, pays for domain name of website yearly, pays for P.O. Box yearly
  • Maintains prudent reserve of $180 dollars and sends excess in donations to SLAAFWS as per group conscience
  • Becomes level SOP Level 10
  • 1 year continuous sobriety with working knowledge of 12 Steps & 12 Traditions. (Motion approved 7/7/15)
  • 6 months as OP is required (Motion passed 6/04/2013)

Other notes:

  • 1 year continuous sobriety with working knowledge of 12 Steps & 12 Traditions. (Motion approved 7/7/15)
  • We provide one full month for nominations, followed by one full month for voting.  This is to insure that every member has the opportunity to participate, helping to establish true group conscience. [3/25/99] [4/15/02]
  • All #SLAA Online Group members are encouraged to participate in both the nominating and voting process.  Voting is conducted in the same way as nominating.  We realize that some members may see their preferred nominations have already been listed by another member, so they might only nominate for some officers (or none).  During the month of voting, however, we encourage EVERYONE to participate. [3/4/99]
  • It is up to the #SLAA Online Group members to vote wisely, knowing the intention and spirit of the suggested requirements and S.L.A.A. Traditions. [5/2/99]
  • In most 12-step groups, the requirement for officers is sobriety time. In S.L.A.A. we set our own bottom lines (which may be altered at anytime we see the need).
  • A member or operator may not have experienced any warning and/or ban in the prior 30 days to be able to serve as an officer. [2/15/02]
  • All officers serve for a one-year term, however, there shall be no limits on the number of terms an officer may serve. [3/25/99]
  • It will be possible in the future, if needed, to add/change/delete responsibilities or move them between officers. [2/23/99]
Term Chairperson Co-Chairperson Secretary Liaison Webmaster Co-Webmaser Treasurer
2/99-5/99 Maxine GeorgeW TimF   TimF    
6/99-5/00 Maxine GeorgeW Kazu   TimF    
6/00-6/01 GeorgeW Maxine Michelle   RickB Jenel  
7/01-6/02 RickB TxChuck Vicki   TimF Jenel [Paul]  
7/02-6/03 TimF Vicki Leigha   Dave hhope  
7/03-6/04 Vicki Becky Marabel Cathy TimF Steve  
7/04-6/05 VJ Steve Cudbeme   Jameela Lotus  
7/05-6/06 VJ Beth Christina VickyS Lotus ewg Lotus
7/06-6/07 Lynn Evan Nova Ken Beth   Lotus
7/07-6/08 Christina Lotus         Lotus
7/08-6/09 Lotus Christina         Lotus
7/09-6/10 Lotus Echo Christina Rose KarlP Glorry Lotus
7/10-6/11 Lotus Trtogirl Rose Peaceluvr KarlP Glorry Lotus
7/11-6/12 Lotus Trtogirl Rose Bob KarlP Glorry Lotus
7/12-6/13 KennyChristinaRose Bob   Hope Lotus
7/13-6/14 Kenny Venom Harold Bob     Lotus
7/14-6/15 Kenny Harold Tamara Hope N/A Lotus
7/15-6/16 Kenny sr85 Christina Tamara DanSFBay troy Lotus
7/16-6/17 troy Lotus   Tamara troy Lotus Lotus
7/17-6/18 troy NancyD NancyD John troy Lotus Lotus
7/18-6/19 troy NancyD NancyD John troy John Lotus
7/19-6/20 troy NancyD NancyD Lotus troy   Lotus
7/20-6/21 troy NancyD NancyD Lotus troy   Lotus
7/21-6/22 troy NancyD NancyD jamie troy Lotus Lotus
7/22-6/23 troy   Anne (co-opted) troy Lotus (acting)
7/23-6/24 troy   Anne (co-opted) troy Lotus Lotus
7/24-6/25 troy (acting)   Anne (acting) troy (acting) Lotus (acting) Lotus (acting)


The “Bigger picture”: Service Structure


We Are An Upside Down Triangle!

When I came into S.L.A.A. I thought that I was an island.  I functioned that way.  No one to depend on me, but always looking to be taken care of.  The really cool thing is that S.L.A.A. showed me that I was powerful and resourceful.  The resources were the key.  I was never truly alone.  Of course, I always had my Higher Power in my life, but He wasn’t really good at doing things like helping me get the house cleaned or changing the oil in my car.  I learned that I could ask for help and that with the power of group conscience, God could give me a hand in ways I never imagined.  I learned this by modeling my life after the structure of S.L.A.A. — an upside down triangle.

We are all individual members of the program.  We are autonomous and equal.  We make up the groups that meet.  Those groups work together to help the addict who still suffers — generally by creating an Intergroup.  Intergroups are made up of representatives from the various groups.

Intergroups send delegates to the Annual Business Conference (ABC) to communicate the wants and needs of the groups and its members — you and me!  There are various committees at the Business Conference level including:  Literature, Sponsorship, Prison Outreach, Member Retention, Steps and Traditions, Diversity, and so on.  The Committee that oversees those committees and facilitates the Annual Meeting is the Conference Charter Committee (a.k.a. the CCC).  The CCC represents the delegates that are sent to the Annual Business Meeting (ABM) by the Intergroups and Lone Groups. [#SLAA Online is an Intergroup, made up of many different types of meetings.]

The groups send representatives to their Intergroup.  The Intergroup and lone groups send delegates to the ABM.  The participants at the ABM are called “the Conference.”  The Conference is made up of those delegates, the Board of Trustees (who are elected by that body), the Journal editor, the Conference Charter Committee (CCC) Chair and Fellowship Wide Services’ office staff.

The votes made by the Conference are directed to the Board of Trustees (BOT) and are binding if they are two thirds of the quorum.  The Board takes that direction and implements what the will of the Conference is, as long as it does not impede on the legal and fiscal responsibilities of the corporation.  The FWS office is there to serve the addict who still suffers under the guidance of the BOT.

I'm glad that I am a part of this equation.  I am an addict and am responsible for my actions and behaviors.  As a member, I am responsible for the actions and behaviors of my program.  I recommend that everyone be a part of the process... whether that be a participating member of their group, a representative to their Intergroup, a member of a Conference committee, a delegate to the Conference, or a member of the BOT.

Information on the next S.L.A.A. Annual Business Conference/Meeting is here: 

Take a risk.   Take some responsibility for your program.  Give back what you got!

If you wish to participate at any of these levels and don't know how please let us know.  We will be happy to get you involved and to confirm that this is YOUR program.  Own it and be a part of it!

S.L.A.A. Fellowship-Wide Services