Connecting To Chat - Summary For Everyone:This Connecting To Chat section is divided into two major pages: NOTE! IRC is a TEXT-ONLY system for chat rooms and private chat, available for nearly all platforms. There are many ways to connect to the #SLAA Online Group chat room on IRC. The method mostly depends on what operating system you are using (Windows, macOS, iOS, Android etc). There are common pieces of information and commands that you will need to know. CStar is a “bot” (robot) and is always present in the #SLAA and #SLAA2 rooms. If you enter our chat room and the only nickname is CStar, please realize that you are alone in the room — although you are at the right place. Even when regular meetings are not scheduled, however, you may find other recovery acquaintances with whom to chat. Simplest connection method is webchat (no program installation required): Recommended connection method for regular usage: Install an IRC client app on your computer/tablet/smartphone, such as: Windows: mIRC, HexChat Apple macOS: Colloquy, LimeChat, Textual Apple iOS: LimeChat, Colloquy Android: IRC for Android ChromeOS: CIRC, Byrd
Set-up for most IRC client apps Most programs will prompt you for the following information during installation or set-up: Nickname — we recommend your first name and last initial or something unique and anonymous (like “JohnQ” or “JaneS”). Alt Nickname or Alternate Nickname — this should be clearly very similar to Nickname with for example a “_” after (like “JohnQ_” or “JaneS_”). The Nickname and Alt Nickname can be up to 10 characters, but we recommend 4 to 9 characters. They can contain only letters, numbers, and the following special characters { | } [ \ ] _ ` - ^ Identd or Ident — this can be just your first name or something unique and anonymous (keep it simple like “john”). “Real Name” or “Full Name” or “Info” — this should NOT be your real name. Again, a first name is wise for anonymity. Some programs suggest that you can enter your personal homepage address here — again, we suggest that you do not do this for anonymity. Server — this is the server(s) we use. Some programs will already have some listed or a group listed. If so, choose “starlink-irc.org” or “starlinkirc” (not Starlink or StarlinkOrg). If they aren’t listed or you wish to add more, the current servers are (capitalization is not important with server addresses): SLIRC IRC.StarLink-IRC.Org (random server) - round robin STOP STOPOVER.KY.US.StarLink-IRC.Org PHELPS PHELPS.KY.US.Starlink-IRC.Org — some programs will ask you for a port number. All servers may connect using ports 6663 through 6669 or 7001 (6667 is the usual default). NOTE! For a secure connexion use secure port +6697 Logging — if the program asks about “logging,” you must make sure that you have this feature turned off. Our room does NOT permit logging of any conversations (which means saving the text to a computer file for review later). Commands in IRC — Commands in IRC begin with a forward slash “/” in the first position of the line. Otherwise you are typing a regular message to the room. IRC is not case sensitive, so you can use upper or lower case for commands and nicknames. Channels (or rooms) always start with a hash character “#” The list is vast, but the more common commands that you will use are: /join #room (such as “/join #slaa”) to join a channel. /part #room (such as “/part #slaa”) to leave a channel without closing the client (also “/leave #room”). /quit to leave all channels and close the client. /hop #room (such as “/hop #slaa2”) to leave the current room and join the specified room. /msg nickname message (such as “/msg janes Hi Jane, do you have a minute?”) sends a private message to a member. /query nickname is similar to /msg, except that it always opens a separate window on your computer for the conversation. /me action (such as “/me nods”) displays your action to the room preceded with your name in a neat way. /whois nickname (such as “/whois johnq”) to see more information about a member (identd, info, and ISP). /whowas nickname is similar to /whois if the member just changed nicknames or quit. /ctcp nickname time (such as “/ctcp johnq time”) displays the time of the other person’s computer clock. /dcc chat nickname (such as “/dcc chat janes”) opens a separate window once the other person accepts your chat request, allowing you to chat without going through the IRC network. This is rarely used, but can be helpful if it is important to talk to someone and they are new and do not see your regular “/msg nickname message” lines. For a more detailed list of commands that work with most clients, please visit the Using Windows mIRC link at the top of this page.
Links to common IRC client apps: Windows: mIRC https://www.mirc.com ($20 after 30 days) - used by all Ops in #slaaonline - see even the page: Using Windows mIRC HexChat https://hexchat.github.io (free) Apple macOS: Colloquy https://github.com/colloquy/colloquy/releases/tag/mac%2F2021%2F2.5-prerelease-7097 (free) LimeChat http://limechat.net/mac/ (free) Textual https://www.codeux.com/textual/ (paid) Apple iOS: Colloquy https://colloquy.app (paid) LimeChat https://apps.apple.com/app/limechat-irc-client/id298766460 (paid) Android: IRC for Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.countercultured.irc4android (paid) ChromeOS: CIRC https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/circ/bebigdkelppomhhjaaianniiifjbgocn (free) Byrd https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/byrd-irc-client/endimfdcgfnlmoankhocnkhgohmoecoi (free)