Business Meeting Minutes 11/5/13

Serenity Prayer

· Review and approve Agenda November 5, 2013
· Review and approve Treasurer's report
· Review and approve September 3, 2013 Business Minutes
· Liaison Report - Bob D

Old Business:

Item 1:

New Website Design - And the Winner, by one vote is . . . design number 1!

New Business:

New Op(s):


Motion 1:

Treasury donation $170.00 to World Services.  Motion approved

Motion 2:

Karishma to be approved and voted by Group Conscience for Co- Chariperson. Rose resigned due to other commitments. Karishma has been serving in this position.
~Presented by Kenny F


It will be possible in the future, if needed, to add/change/delete responsibilities or move them between officers. [2/23/99]


Co-Chairperson:  Perform all functions of Chairperson in his/her absence.  Serve on all committees with Chairperson.  Assist Chairperson as requested.  Becomes 499 level op minimum (co-owner) in #SLAA and 500 level op minimum (owner) in #SLAA2Provide input to establish officer consensus determining conflicts over restriction/bans applied for inappropriate behavior when an incident is not clear or not covered in guidelines.  One year of continuous sobriety is required (Motion passed 6/04/2013)6 months as OP is required (Motion passed 6/04/2013)
Not present, tabled

Motion 3:

The sobriety requirement for service as a trusted servant (Operator) to be changed to 30 days of self defined sobriety.
~Presented by NickF
Not approved

Motion 4:

Requirements for service by officers and trusted servants (Operators) are considered recommendations. Any member may apply for service regardless of qualification. Group Conscience is applied through the annual officer election or a business meeting vote.
~Presented by NickF

Motion 5:

The floor is open for nominations for Secretary of SLAA by Verbal or Email
~Presented by Kenny F



3. Secretary Be responsible for minutes of all Member (business) meetings. Serve on all committees with Chairperson.  Maintain the email inbox, replying to information requests and forwarding business email.  Provide input to establish officer consensus determining conflicts over restriction/bans applied for inappropriate behavior when an incident is not clear or not covered in guidelines.  Becomes 450 level op minimum.  One year of continuous sobriety is required (Motion passed 6/04/2013)6 months as OP is required (Motion passed 6/04/2013)To nominate or vote via email, please send your email to our Trusted Servant email address for this purpose, and include your usual #SLAA chatroom nickname and your nominations or votes for each of the six office positions (or some of them). To nominate or vote via chatroom, please message (privately or publicly) ANY operator (the ones with the "@" by their nicknames). They will email this information on your behalf. Only the officers have access to this information.

Motion 6:

Resolved that in both the question asked of a new person in channels, and in pm, that they be written in such a way as to include that the person is considering that they might be an addict. Be it further resolved that our trusted servants be authorized to settle on the final wording.
~Presented by Harold


Current questions are given below:

In PM: Hello Harold, For the safety of our members during regularly scheduled meetings we need to ask, "Are you a sex and/or love addict or anorexic or considering if you might be one, and are 18 years old or older?"(Yes/No)

In Channel: Please pause the sharing for just a moment. Hello Harold ! This is a closed meeting for a special purpose! The only requirement for attending this meeting is that you desire to recover from the disease of sex and/or love addiction or avoidance and are 18 years old or older Harold ? . Are you here for the SLAA Meeting, Yes, or no?
Motion rescheduled for following meeting

Open Forum:

10 minutes

Serenity Prayer