SLAA Online Group Conscience Business Meeting in #slaa2
Minutes for December 3rd 2019 at 9 pm ET


troy moderated the meeting.


Serenity Prayer



November was SLAA Gratitude Month

We received quite a few earmarked donations, which will be forwarded to SLAA FWS - Fellowship-Wide Services

See the treasury report later for more details.


Speaker Shares:

SLAA Online is nearing its 24th anniversary! January is SLAA Online’s birthday month.

As usual, members with sobriety length are invited to give a speaker share at a scheduled meeting time of choice during January 2020.

If you are interested in giving a speaker share, please contact the Office at


Read and approve December agenda - Link on website homepage - APPROVED


Read and approve November minutes - APPROVED


Read and approve Treasurer's report  - APPROVED

NOTE! There was an additional late earmarked gratitude month donation of $10 not yet shown in the report.


Read and review Liaison Officer's report - REVIEWED


Op Applications



Old Business


Resubmission of Motion from troy re proxy/VPN/tor servers - MOTION APPROVED


Disallow any connections to #slaa or #slaa2 through proxy/VPN/tor servers, without requiring discussion with user. In general, all connection methods that hide the user’s true location shall be treated in the same way as proxy/VPN/tor servers.

Motivation (revised for clarity):

For room safety.  Combines into a single GC motion and replaces both the following current GC approved proxy server motion and the following current chair clarification:

Current GC approved motion: Disallow any connexions to #slaa through proxy servers, without requiring discussion with user and if practicable automatically. (4/4/17)

Current chair clarification: Disallow any connections to #slaa through proxy/VPN/tor servers, without requiring discussion with user. In general, all connection methods that hide the user’s true location shall be treated in the same way as proxy/VPN/tor servers.


New Business



10 Minute Open Forum


Serenity Prayer


Meeting adjourned