SLAA Online Group Conscience Business Meeting in #slaa2
Minutes for November 5th 2019 at 12 noon ET


NancyD moderated the meeting.


Serenity Prayer



November is gratitude month

grateful to SLAA for recovery - you can donate to them on our website

See "Our 7th Tradition" webpage for details how to make donations.

November is SLAA Gratitude Month

Giving Back What Has So Generously Been Given

Every November, members of Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous are invited to acknowledge their gratitude to the Fellowship that has sustained their lives as recovering addicts. As a way of giving thanks, individuals, groups, and Intergroups are encouraged to contribute directly to Fellowship-Wide Services (F.W.S.).

This is in keeping with Tradition Seven, which states that “Every S.L.A.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.”

NOTE! All member contributions made to SLAA Online marked "Gratitude Month" will be forwarded in full to SLAA FWS.

See "Our 7th Tradition" webpage for details how to make donations.

Link to info re Gratitude Month from SLAA FWS: 11_NovemberIsGratitudeMonth-Autumn2019FWSNewletter.pdf


Read and approve November agenda - Link on website homepage - APPROVED


Read and approve October minutes - APPROVED


Read and approve Treasurer's report  - APPROVED


Read and review Liaison Officer's report - REVIEWED


Op Applications



Old Business


Presentation of SLAA Online Delegate report from SLAA ABM 2019 - Lotus

It was an amazing conference. Much business of the Fellowship was accomplised there and we got to be part of it. We had a voice.

For a full report, please write in to: and we will be happy to send it to you.

Dokument link for info:

*** Summary_2019_ABM Agenda_Motions-IFDs_Third_Version_9July2019+delegate_comments.pdf ***


New Business


Group discussion without vote re possibility of placing a room bot in #slaa:

Info: Op checking of user IPs currently involves the following manual steps:

- /whois for current connexion (IRC command)

- /whowas for recent connexions (IRC command)

- Conversion if necessary of servername or hex username to dotted IP number address (IPConverter)

- IP lookup to check if proxy/VPN/tor (IPQualityScore)

The above is a multi-step process needing some Op multitasking between mIRC and web browser windows. To assist Ops in this task of checking user IPs, an #slaa room bot has been suggested. Op responses have been requested by email regarding the suggestion of an #slaa room bot that when called manually by an Op for a specific user with a single simple command, executes all the above processes and gives a single summary report to the Op. Such a bot would not take any actions by itself towards users - it would only present information to the Op calling it. The bot name would be visible to all present in the #slaa room. A few Op responses have been received, generally positive. It was suggested that if Op responses were positive, the matter go forward to a general discussion without vote at this Nov GC BM, and then if appropriate to a motion at the Dec GC BM for vote.


10 Minute Open Forum


Approx 35 min discussing "bot" proposal.

Considerable arguments put forth about the necessity and/or convenience of using VPNs. It was re-stated by an officer that prohibition is not only SLAA Online guidelines, but a Starlink rule as well.

There was considerable concern for invasion of personal privacy (i.e. real name, etc). One member stated that they felt tracking such thing was a punitive measure.

It was noted that researching users' IP address is not listed as an OP duty on the website. (Side note: That page is actually quite outdated and probably should be revised.) An OP said they found it "awkward" to check on newcomers like that.

All agreed that there needs to be much more discussion - especially among the OPs - before a decision is made.


Serenity Prayer


Meeting adjourned