Minutes from 10/7/08

People who attended: Lotus, Xiaochueh, Ed, MichelleS, Trotogirl, Dario, KarlP

Started with the serenity prayer

· Reviewed the treasures report. Motion made to accept and passed
· Reviewed the agenda. Motion made to accept and passed
· Reviewed the minutes. Motion made to accept and passed

Old Business

· Discussed motion to add the characteristics of a sex and love addict into the scripts. The motion was tabled due to the absence of the person who made the motion.

New Business

New ops voted for and accepted

· KarlP
· Dario

· Motion to eliminate one feedback meeting and replace it with a topic meeting. Motion was tabled since the person who created the motion was absence.

· Discussed scripts for mac users briefly, the new op who needed mac scripts was asked to speak in Private with an op who was a mac user

Meeting adjourned