SLAA Online Group Conscience Business Meeting in #slaa2
Minutes for October 1st 2019 at 9 pm ET


troy moderated the meeting.


Serenity Prayer



Robert's Rules of Order for Business Meeting posted.


Read and approve October agenda - Link on website homepage - APPROVED


Read and approve September minutes - APPROVED


Read and approve Treasurer's report  - APPROVED


Read and review Liaison Officer's report - REVIEWED


Op Applications



Old Business


Presentation of SLAA Online Delegate report from SLAA ABM 2019 - Lotus - TABLED

Presenter Lotus had informed that she might not be able to attend the meeting.

Motion to TABLE presentation until presenter/delegate Lotus can attend - APPROVED

Dokument link for info:

*** Summary_2019_ABM Agenda_Motions-IFDs_Third_Version_9July2019+delegate_comments.pdf ***


New Business

Motion from troy re proxy/VPN/tor servers - Motion fell automatically without discussion as no seconder for motion

Motion: Disallow any connections to #slaa through proxy/VPN/tor servers, without requiring discussion with user. In general, all connection methods that hide the user’s true location shall be treated in the same way as proxy/VPN/tor servers.

Motivation: For room safety.

Replaces, extends and clarifies existing approved proxy server motion: Motion: Disallow any connexions to #slaa through proxy servers, without requiring discussion with user and if practicable automatically. (4/4/17)

Also supersedes existing Chair Clarification: Chair clarification: All proxy servers are disallowed. In general, all connexion services that hide the user’s true location shall be treated in the same way as proxy servers. Exception: Members who have registered their chosen nickname, and are currently logged on with this nickname and identified with password, may if wished connect through a VPN. (6/5/19)


10 Minute Open Forum

<@troy> re above fallen motion [re proxy/VPN/tor servers] ...  as the motion fell, the current situation remains ... the current [GC approved] motion only refers to proxies ... the current chair clarification extends to other connection methods that hide the user's ip ...  such as for example tor and vpn ... but also includes an exception to allow some vpns ...  the current situation is known to be unsatisfactory. troy intends to modifify the chair clarification to keep the extension to include other connections methods - but to remove the current exception for some vpns.

<@NancyD> as the current motion fell, i encourage troy to re-submit, perhaps with altered verbage ... i personally, however, cannot support a motion that plays favorites by making "exceptions" for some members ... addicts are far too clever at claiming that they are the "exception" ... Also, every addict is quite capable of relapse & if they relapse with a hidden IP address, we have no disciplinary recourse.

<@troy> i think that the above member and i are basically in agreement about how an acceptable motion can be ... will consult before new motion presentation ... the motion was not intended to include exceptions - so will check this before re-presentation.

<NancyD> There are OP's who automatically voice new members - especially if the person looks legitimately logged in - "assuming" the person qualifies as seeking addiction help & are over 18 years of age. ... Making exceptions to guidelines only invites trouble, imo.

<troy>  i think that the point raised about op praxis ...  may not require any guidelines changes motion ... and could be dealt with with existing guidelines.


Serenity Prayer


Meeting adjourned