SLAA Online Group Conscience Business Meeting in #slaa2
Minutes August 7th 2018 12 noon ET


Lotus moderated the meeting.

17 members present


Serenity Prayer



Two new pieces of literature were approved at the Annual Business Meeting of the SLAA Fellowship-Wide. We will have a new Meditation Book soon, and Anorexia 4,5,6,7 was approved and will soon be available as a workbook.


Read and approve August agenda - Link on website homepage - APPROVED


Read and approve July minutes - APPROVED


Read and approve Treasurer's report - APPROVED


Read and review Liaison Officer's report - LINK POSTED


Op Applications

Nine - Approved by everyone present


Old Business



New Business



10 Minute Open Forum

[09:54] <+Nine> !

[09:54] <@Lotus> Thank you Ernie - you have the floor.

[09:54] <@Lotus> Hi Ernie

[09:54] <+seanp> hi ernie

[09:55] <+Nine> Hi Ernie here a believer with bl mb, ip

[09:55] <+jt-b> Hi Ernie

[09:55] <+toms_> hi ernie

[09:55] <+Nine> Could there be a OP schedule/ spreadsheet for the month.

[09:55] <+neveah> hi Ernie

[09:55] <+Nine> Then OP's could put their name in for the day(s)/time that they want in advance. There would be days that time(s) has not been filled then someone could fillin when there is a need. Even if 5 Op's put their name on for the same time. As time moves on closer to that day we

[09:56] <+Nine> all get busy, schedules change. You could take your name off for that time. With this way even if 5 Op's showed up only 1 or 2 need to be there. And if you were on the list and could not be there no harm no foul. There are Op's that want to lead a meeting everyday and thats great! My point in speaking up about this is many times

[09:56] <+Karen> Hi New Op Ernie!

[09:56] <+Nine> there has been no OP at a meeting and someone with not very much soberity has taken the lead as a result the meeting has been disorganized at times. This could give regular Op's a break if they choose and make an opportunity for new Op's to be of Service.

[09:56] <+Nine> done

[09:57] <@Lotus> thanks Ernie this will passed on to the Office!


Serenity Prayer


Meeting adjourned