Lotus moderated the meeting.
17 members present
Serenity Prayer
Two new pieces of literature were approved at the Annual Business Meeting of the SLAA Fellowship-Wide. We will have a new Meditation Book soon, and Anorexia 4,5,6,7 was approved and will soon be available as a workbook.
Read and approve August agenda - Link on website homepage - APPROVED
Read and approve July minutes - APPROVED
Read and approve Treasurer's report - APPROVED
Read and review Liaison Officer's report - LINK POSTED
Op Applications
Nine - Approved by everyone present
Old Business
New Business
10 Minute Open Forum
[09:54] <+Nine> !
[09:54] <@Lotus> Thank you Ernie - you have the floor.
[09:54] <@Lotus> Hi Ernie
[09:54] <+seanp> hi ernie
[09:55] <+Nine> Hi Ernie here a believer with bl mb, ip
[09:55] <+jt-b> Hi Ernie
[09:55] <+toms_> hi ernie
[09:55] <+Nine> Could there be a OP schedule/ spreadsheet for the month.
[09:55] <+neveah> hi Ernie
[09:55] <+Nine> Then OP's could put their name in for the day(s)/time that they want in advance. There would be days that time(s) has not been filled then someone could fillin when there is a need. Even if 5 Op's put their name on for the same time. As time moves on closer to that day we
[09:56] <+Nine> all get busy, schedules change. You could take your name off for that time. With this way even if 5 Op's showed up only 1 or 2 need to be there. And if you were on the list and could not be there no harm no foul. There are Op's that want to lead a meeting everyday and thats great! My point in speaking up about this is many times
[09:56] <+Karen> Hi New Op Ernie!
[09:56] <+Nine> there has been no OP at a meeting and someone with not very much soberity has taken the lead as a result the meeting has been disorganized at times. This could give regular Op's a break if they choose and make an opportunity for new Op's to be of Service.
[09:56] <+Nine> done
[09:57] <@Lotus> thanks Ernie this will passed on to the Office!
Serenity Prayer
Meeting adjourned