SLAA Online Group Conscience Business Meeting in #slaa2

Minutes for July 5th, 2022 at 9 pm ET


troy moderated the meeting


Serenity Prayer



No Announcements


Approve July agenda

Lotus motion to approve July Agenda,

- troy Seconded

All vote - approved

July Agenda Approved


Approve April minutes

Lotus motion to approve April minutes

- troy seconded

All vote - approved

April Minutes approved


Approve June minutes

troy motion to approve April minutes

- Lotus seconded

All vote - approved

June Minutes approved


Approve Treasurer's report (April - June) 

- neveah seconded

All vote - approved

April - June Treasurer's report approved

Note: Lotus recommends halting Lifesaver Donation until reserve is built back up. Treasurer's report shows balance being below Prudent Reserve of $180, though Acting Treasurer notes that this is not the case, the balance is in reality a bit above it.

Note: troy confirms cancellation of $50 per month Lifesaver donation to FWS


Read and review Liaison report



Op Applications


Tyler confirmed he meets the OP requirements of 3 months continuous sobriety and working knowledge of the 12 steps and traditions.

troy motions to approve Tyler as SLAA Online OP

- Lotus Seconds

All vote to approve

Tyler approved as SLAA Online OP 


neveah confirmed she meets OP requirements of 3 months continuous sobriety and working knowledge of the 12 steps and traditions.

Troy motions to approve neveah as SLAA Online OP

- Lotus seconds

All vote to approve

neveah approved as SLAA Online OP


Old Business


Motion from troy re use of VPNs and similar:

Motion: Replace current GC approved policy:

Disallow any connections to #slaa or #slaa2 through proxy/VPN/tor servers, without requiring discussion with user. In general, all connection methods that hide the user’s true location shall be treated in the same way as proxy/VPN/tor servers. (12/3/19)

with the following:

Disallow connections to #slaa or #slaa2 through proxy/VPN/tor servers. In general, all connection methods that hide the user’s true location shall be treated in the same way as proxy/VPN/tor servers. Exception: Members who have registered their chosen nickname, and are currently logged on with this nickname and identified with password, may connect through a VPN or similar.

Motivation: It was recognized when the existing policy was approved that this restriction might cause inconvenience for some genuine users, but that the restriction was on balance needed for group safety. Since this motion was approved, there have however been significant developments in the general situation regarding VPNs, including:

1. Some respectable ISPs now often handle IPs in ways that flag as VPN - but this is beyond the user’s personal control and cannot be turned off.

2. Apple promotes its new (beta) iCloud Private Relay anonymizing service in latest versions of macOS, iPhoneOS and iPadOS, which acts like and flags as VPN. A revised GC motion is therefore proposed reinstating an allowed exception to the VPN restriction for users with logged in and identified registered nicknames.

All vote to approve motion to amend VPN policy

Motion Approved


New Business


Motion from troy to approve SLAA Online Officers for mandate period July 2022 through June 2023

Chairperson - troy

Co-Chairperson - vacant

Secretary - vacant

Liaison Officer - jamie

Webmaster - troy

Co-Webmaster - vacant

Treasurer - vacant

Acting Treasurer - Lotus (whilst ordinary Treasurer post is vacant)

Note: As no Officer posts are contested, no full election process is necessary - just Group Conscience approval.

All vote to approve motion

Motion Approved


15 min Discussion of ABC/M Material



Super Service Star

Framework for living

Outreach Pamphlet

12 Steps in Plain language

Anorexia 8-9 Booklet (new motion)

Core Documents adoption of What is Anorexia in S.L.A.A. and 50 Questions Are You an Anorectic? (new motion)

Items for Discussion:

1. Sex and love addiction on the Internet

2. Making the Most of Meetings

3. 50th Anniversary (rewrite of Basic Text, 1st three chapters)

Links to the texts given during the meeting or in advance by request to the Office at


10 min Open Forum

No time left for Open Forum


Serenity Prayer


Meeting adjourned