SLAA Online Group Conscience Business Meeting in #slaa2
Minutes for July 2nd 2019 at 9 pm ET


troy moderated the meeting.


Serenity Prayer






Read and approve July agenda - Link on website homepage - APPROVED


Read and approve June minutes - APPROVED


Read and approve Treasurer's report  - APPROVED

Treasurer's comments:

I've been investigating all the possibilities of paying our bills straight out of our business paypal account and I have run into difficulty. We can definitely pay this way now, it's become widely accepted. However, we must have a credit card on file with PayPal before any payments can be made so ... back to the drawing board. Additionally, we may have to have a motion in the future to increase our prudent reserve a bit to make sure we can meet our needs.


Read and review Liaison Officer's report - REVIEWED


Op Applications



Old Business



New Business


Motion to July CG BM from troy re Approval of Officer Group for mandate period July 2019 thru June 2020 - APPROVED

Motion: To approve the following Officer Group for mandate period July 2019 thru June 2020:

Nominations for the seven Officer posts of Chairperson, Co-Chairperson, Secretary, Liaison Officer, Webmaster, Co-Webmaster and Treasurer have been received and accepted as follows:

Chairperson: troy

Co-Chairperson: NancyD

Secretary: NancyD

Liaison Officer: Lotus

Webmaster: troy

Co-Webmaster: none (no accepted nomination)

Treasurer: Lotus

No Officer post was contested - therefore no June election was held.

Accepted received nominations take up their duties from July 1st 2019, and are subject to the Officer team being approved by Group Conscience motion at the July GC Business Meeting. Co-options may be made for execution of the duties of the unfilled posts, at the discretion of the Officer team.

For details of Officer post requirements and duties, see the Officers webpage:


Reading and Reviewing of ABM 2019 Material - Part #2

1) 12 Steps of SLAA in Simplified English (NOTE! - Now withdrawn)

2) HOW material (Now just IFD HOW Step and Sponsorship Guide)

3) Steps workbook (NOTE! Steps workbook now as an ABM motion, without Dating plan piece at end. Dating plan piece now as separate motion)

NOTE! There is even another extra Reading meeting on Tue July 16 at 9 pm ET in #slaa2

The HOW material was discussed - but as it had been revised in the Third Agenda Attachment, it was tabled to the next extra Reading meeting on July 16.


10 Minute Open Forum

Current group situation discussed:

"We have an active big group with several newcomer inquiries daily and well-attended meetings. Note that op service is done mostly by a trusted few. Officer service is done by very few. Tradition 7 financial support is given by few. But do recognise that attending and listening and sharing is in itself a service contribution. But overall the concentration of essential tasks and financing on so few is an unstable situation and makes the group vulnerable on very few individuals."

The treasurer gave some reassurance about members' financial contributions over a long period.


Serenity Prayer


Meeting adjourned