Serenity Prayer
· Review and approve Agenda June 4, 2013
- approved
· Review and approve Treasurer's report
- approved
· Review and approve May
Minutes - approved
· Liaison Report - Bob D - approved
Old Business:
New Business:
Sobriety requirement for OPs changed to 3 months continuous sobriety.
Sobriety requirement for officer position, 1 year continuous sobriety.
Prior OP status requirement for officers, 6 months.
Presented by Bob D - approved by group conscience
Thursday nights at 8pm EST, we have a meeting named "Healthy
Relationships" focused on Chapter 8 "Building Partnerships" and excerpts from
the SLAA Basic Text that discuss healthy intimate relationships. I propose
that the meeting be an hour and a half because the scripts would quote the SLAA
Basic Text.
Presented By Hope - approved by group conscience
Open Forum: 10 minutes
Serenity Prayer