Business Meeting Agenda
Serenity Prayer
· Review and approve June 3, 2014 agenda - approved
· Review and approve Treasurer's report
- approved
· Review and approve May
Minutes - tabled to research Carly as approved OP
· Liaison Report - No Report
Old Business:
No old business
New Business:
New OPs:
Steve (sr85) - approved
Jonathan (IGO) - approved
Motion 1: Motion that the following
text be added to the Gentle Reminders operator scripts, to be available for
operator use at any appropriate occasion in the main room. [Submitted
by Troy] - not approved
Gentle Reminder!
Please only use this forum to stay focused on the primary purpose of the
which is carrying the message of recovery to the addict that still suffers.
behavior problems, rules and guidelines may be addressed by anyone as long
as they do so by submitting the complaint or recommended changes in
writing to Thank You
Motion 2:
Change Sobriety requirements for Ops 60 days, Liaison 90 days Webmaster
90 days, Co Webmaster 90 days.
[Presented by Kenny] - not approved
Open Forum:
10 minutes
Serenity Prayer