Minutes for June 2nd 2020 at 8:30/9 pm ET
(Extra ABM Material Reading Meeting beforehand at 8:30-9:00 pm ET)
troy moderated the meeting.
(Extra ABM Material Reading Meeting beforehand at 8:30-9:00 pm ET)
Submitted material for discussion includes:
20n01/20-01 IFD - The Blessings - Addition to Core Documents
20n02/20-02 IFD - The Twelve Steps of S.L.A.A. in Simplified English
20n04/20-04 IFD - The 12 Steps and 12 Traditions of S.L.A.A. Book Project
20n05/20-05 IFD - The Importance of Making Outreach Calls Pamphlet
(contact slaaonline@yahoo.com for link to discussion documents)
k - i read some of these through the CLC google drive and have commented on some.
k - the 12 steps in simplified english, outreach calls and 12 steps 12 traditions.
k - i already commented on 12 steps in simplified english and 12 steps and 12 02:45
t - my understanding is that the virtual abm is currently planned as only one day and will not discuss the litwerature ifds - to many's disappointment
t - we are asking that this be reconsidered - but in any case i know that at least the 12x12 clc subgroup and likely other literature contributuion subgroups would very much like feedback from groups/intergroups - so all feedback we can give is helpful
t - the 12x12 clc subgroup has also been working hard and has now even completed this week the last two steps - these are tho not sent out yet
t - my biased personal opinion is that the 12x12 is really good
k - lol. agreed.
t - there are "friends" google groups for different subcommittees who can accept comments but also anything sent to the slaaonline office we will forward to the appriopriate place
k - nice
k - hi everyone, i just wanted to say that i read the importance of making outreach calls. it was brilliant. i have not suggestions for change. :) Gave me great advice :)
t - we were a small abm material discussion group today - there will be another abm material discussion time next month 30 min before the usual gc business meeting
t - time to go over to the usual group conscience business meeting
Serenity Prayer
t - The SLAA ABM this year is now planned as a one-day digital conference to deal with essential business - but does not currently intend to discuss the submitted literature items for discussion (IFDs) 03:09 - feedback on these is tho still welcome from groups
k - “The Gift of No Contact” Pamphlet is now available through the SLAA Online Store: https://store.slaafws.org/prod/BKT-006.html
Read and approve June agenda - Link on website homepage - APPROVED
Read and approve May minutes - Approval deferred to next GC Business Meeting
Read and approve Treasurer's report - APPROVED
Comment re Treasurer's report
t - the healthy current balance is due to the replacement of the irl slaa abm with a cheaper digital conference so our delegate costs will be lower - we will likely be able instead to make a larger contribution to slaa fws
Read and review Liaison Officer's report - REVIEWED
Op Applications
(This agenda item was held later in the meeting by GC approval)
Old Business
New Business
Motion from NancyD re VPNs - TABLED to next meeting
Motion proposer not present
Motion therefore tabled to next GC Business Meeting
10 Minute Open Forum
t - this c19 time has had a big effect on our fellowship and group - many f2f slaa are currently not meeting f2f - either suspended or meeting digitally - our slaa online group was/is already 100% digital and we have had substantial increase in interest email since earlier this year - probably a doubling or tripling in emails to the office and noticeable increase in newcomers to #slaa meetings - good that so many are finding us - our group tho by its nature has an unusually high ratio of newcomers to longtimers, which makes finding sponsors a real challenge for many - any suggestions on how to address this appreciated - done
k - On our website under guidelines for meeting behavior & problems... Under: Subsequent motions that have been passed... one of the motions reads: Unsolicited private messaging (PM) is not permitted, regardless of content. Motion: Private messaging is a middle or bottom line behavior for some members and can be highly triggering or even endanger sobriety. All members should therefore ask permission, in the main room, before contacting another member in a private message (PM). Sexual or otherwise inappro ... There is another script that some OP's are using... that basically says... If anyone here receives any inappropriate private messages... So, my question is... Do our OP's have 2 scripts to choose from or all should be using same one? - done
t - there are various Op scripts - the general one: Gentle Reminder: Unsolicited private messaging (PM) is not permitted, regardless of content. Private messaging is a middle or bottom line behavior for some members and can be highly triggering or even endanger sobriety. All members should therefore ask permission, in the main room, before contacting another member in a private message (PM). Sexual or otherwise inappropriate messages are never acceptable. Private messages to or from an OP (trusted servant) do not however require prior permission and a PM from an OP should always be answered promptly. Please report any breaches of the SLAA guidelines to an OP, or copy the conversation and email to slaaonline@yahoo.com (Motion 1/2/2018) - and others for when a pm has been accepted (ie is not unsolicited) - but is inappropriate - Gentle Reminder: If anyone PM's you inappropriately please report it to an operator (op) in the room or copy the pm and email it to slaaonline@yahoo.com Thanks for keeping our room safe! - done
Serenity Prayer
Meeting adjourned