NancyD moderated the meeting.
Serenity Prayer
Announcement #1 - For info and correction: Undocumented approved GC motions - In late 2015 and early 2016 documentation of some GC BM decisions was missed The following GC BM motions were approved, although not documented in the published minutes:
1. Error/omission in the Nov 2015 BM minutes: - Nov 2015 BM minutes should even include re wrc motion the following:
Approved Motion: On the SLAAOnline website: Replace pages: Meeting Guidelines and Behaviour & Problems with combined and revised page: Meeting, Behavior & Problems Guidelines - see Meeting, Behavior & Problems Guidelines - revised & anon 150824.docx Note: Approval means approval of both tracked changes and WRC recommended changes in comments.
2. Error/omission in the Dec 2015 BM minutes: - Dec 2015 minutes should be corrected re wrc motion as follows:
Approved Motion: On the SLAAOnline website: Replace page: Officers with revised page: Officers - see #SLAA Online Group of Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous - Officers - corrections tracked in green - rev 151122 anon.docx Note: Approval means approval of both tracked changes and WRC recommended changes in comments. Note: accepted motion includes accepted friendly amendment from chair: - Chairperson Founder/Owner SLAA Co- Chairperson Founder Owner SLAA2 that is all you need to put in for Officer levels of each room (friendly amendment included in file version #SLAA Online Group of Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous - Officers - corrections tracked in green - rev 151202 anon.docx)
3. Error/omission in the Jan 2016 BM minutes: - Jan 2016 BM minutes should even include re wrc motion the following:
Approved Motion: On the SLAAOnline website: Replace page: Op duties with revised page: Operators (Move page to sidebar list beneath Officers and change document name from duties/Op Duties and Greeter Duties to Operators, and document title from Anonymity Issues to Operators) - see #SLAA Online Group of Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous - Operators - corrections tracked in red - rev 151221 anon.docx Note: Approval means approval of both tracked changes and WRC recommended changes in comments.
Announcement #2 - SLAA ABC/M 2019 - Lotus has offered to attend as SLAA Online's delegate. GC has previously approved sending and financing a yearly delegate. As there is no competing candidate, Lotus is selected as delegate without election.
Announcement #3 - SLAA Online Officers Election for mandate period July 2019/June 2020:
Open now throughout May for nominations for the seven Officer posts of Chairperson, Co-Chairperson, Secretary, Liaison Officer, Webmaster, Co-Webmaster and Treasurer. Send nominations to - Members may nominate themselves or other members. Members may stand for more than one post. Election for contested posts will be held in June. For details of Officer post requirements and duties, see the Officers webpage:
Read and approve May agenda - Link on website homepage - APPROVED
Read and approve April minutes - APPROVED
Read and approve Treasurer's report - APPROVED
Read and review Liaison Officer's report - REVIEWED
Op Applications
Dancer - Application withdrawn by applicant
Old Business
Motion from troy re extra ABM Reading meetings
- to be presented with troy's permission by another Officer as troy unable to attend today
Motion: To hold extra meetings for Reading and Reviewing of Submitted ABM 2019 Material on the 3rd Tuesday of each month April through July at 9 pm ET in #slaa2 - as needed.
Motivation: There is lots to read! Deemed insufficient time to read all during just the scheduled GC BM meetings. These extra meetings will be in addition to any Reading and Reviewing done during scheduled GC BMs.
No vote – Motion tabled to June business meeting.
New Business
Motion from Nancy re addition of SLAA Basic Text citations to Op Scripts
Motion: To incorporate into the Op Scripts a collection of SLAA Basic Text citations - APPROVED
Motivation: Several members have suggested that our group incorporate more readings from the SLAA Basic Text as part of our offerings. A group of members has already volunteered to select, collate & edit a reasonably manageable number of citations. How the citations are selected will be determined by that group of volunteers.
Reading and Reviewing of ABM 2019 Material - Part #1
- Links provided for member reviews:
1) Service Brochure (pdf)
2) 12 Steps of SLAA in Simplified English 2013-06-01 (pdf)
3) S.L.A.A. 12&12 2019 IFD (pdf)
(links removed by SLAAFWS request)
10 Minute Open Forum
NancyD – re general membership awareness of guidelines
Marty – re “people who have the underscore and the end of thier username instead of having their user properly showing” is uncomfortable for him
Serenity Prayer
Meeting adjourned