Minutes for April 2nd, 2024 at 9 pm ET
troy moderated the meeting
Serenity Prayer
*Our Code of Ethics:
To keep each of our meetings safe and productive, we:
Communicate our views honestly and respectfully on issues raised, especially controversial ones. We do not raise our voices, stoop to sarcasm, cuss, or try to bully others into our way of thinking.
Are tolerant when we differ. We share our meeting time fairly so that each of us has an equal opportunity to comment.
Are willing to put our egos aside when our opinions do not win favor with others. We are able to let go, trust our group conscience, and strive for the “unity and harmony that our Fellowship requires for the successful accomplishment of its primary purpose. Our service structure exists to support us” (per concept 6, from our draft ‘Framework for Living’) and works for the greater good.
Encourage one another by doing our part to maintain a safe and supportive atmosphere.
These points have proved to be our blueprint for success. We ask your cooperation in continuing these traditions as we work together in the coming months. Thank you for contributing your time and talents. Your Twelfth Step work is deeply appreciated!
(*used with permission from the Conference Literature Committee) (04/05/22)
Rules of Order:
Robert's Rules of Order are to be used in biz Meetings (3/11/99). Also: Please note how Robert’s rules of order are to be used: “In the interest of tackling all of the items on this agenda and allowing everyone the opportunity to speak on the extremely important topics, suggest the following format in this meeting: Each topic under New Business will begin with a motion being made: That motion will then either be seconded or set aside. Upon the motion being seconded, discussion will begin. During discussion, only friendly amendments will be accepted to the motion. An amendment will be considered a friendly amendment if the original provider of the motion concurs with the amendment. Everyone will be allowed one share on each motion presented. Each share will be limited to 3 minutes in length. The end of discussion will be the point at which a vote is taken. A vote was taken on following this format and the Motion passed. (2/15/07)
Approve April agenda - APPROVED
Approve March agenda (in retrospect) - APPROVED
Approve November minutes - APPROVED
Approve December minutes - APPROVED
Approve January minutes - APPROVED
Approve February minutes - APPROVED
Approve Treasurer's report (Feb & Mar) - APPROVED up to February
Read and review Liaison report - DONE
Op Application
MidwestGuy - APPROVED
Old Business
New Business
Motion from troy re Approval of SLAA ABC/M 2024 Delegate and non-voting Observer - APPROVED
Motion: To approve SLAA Online Group (Intergroup) sending and financing the following voting Delegate and non-voting Observer to the SLAA virtual ABC/M August 8th-10th 2024:
Voting Delegate at $190 - Lotus
Non-voting Observer at $100 - troy
Group Conscience has previously approved sending and financing an annual SLAA ABC/M Delegate. This year the ABC/M is virtual online and has substantially lower registration fees, so we have the financial possibility to even send non-voting Observer/s.
10 min Open Forum
website activity stats for the past year ...
more activity than previous year ...
meeting attendance tho lower from my observation ...
we get several email inquiries daily ...
some continue to attend our meeting ...
some assume zoom - and ask more about that when they learn we are text-only ...
we give relevant links ...
significant number ask about 4:30 pm meeting .. .
which i don't know much about attendance ...
as we do not have regular op coverage
so I was thinking of a slogan that might be catchy
something along the lines of "are you triggered by video meetings?, or don't like to have your camera on? we have the perfect alternative for you =try chat meetings" or something along these lines
good thought ...
challenge to find a formulation that can work for both new and existing slaa members - but doesn't seem like poaching
Serenity Prayer
Meeting adjourned