Old Business:
Motion: Motion that the following statement
be added to our closing scripts. The excerpt has been taken from the SLAA
Group Starter Kit:
A message about 13th Stepping – 13th stepping is manipulating another person
in recovery, especially a newcomer, into a sexual, emotional, or romantic
relationship. This behavior is wholeheartedly discouraged in S.L.A.A. ~
Presented by Hope - approved
New Business:
Motion 1: I want our SLAA group to be all-inclusive & spiritually based. For that reason, I would like to propose a motion to change #16 of our website "A List of 36 Stress Reducers" (http://www.slaaonline.org/tools/stress.php) to read:
16. Carry recovery materials (or spiritual text) with you to read while waiting in line
~ presented by Nancy
Motion 2: The Tuesday night Step Study & Thursday night Healthy Relationships meeting removed from the schedule due to abandoning the commitment.
~ Presented by Kenny
Motion 3:
Scheduled meetings to commence at 10AM 12PM 4:30PM 10PM EST. Mon-FRI
~ Presented by Kenny
Motion 4:
Motion that Guideline 20 is reworded as "Members having more than one nick name, (except for afk, nopm, or in the case of disconnect/reconnect) or Members using someone else's nickname in the room".
~ Presented by Steve/SR
Open Forum:
10 minutes - thanks to all who serve
Serenity Prayer