Minutes 3/2/10

. Reviewed and approved agenda
. Reviewed and approved Treasurer's report
. Report: by Webmaster on Website
. Report: by Liaison on upcoming worldwide SLAA events

. * Minutes for February's Business meeting were inadvertently
left off the agenda
Old Business:
*Treasurer's duties proposed language: Not approved
Suggested one year of required sobriety, 450 op level, Provides input to establish officer consensus determining conflicts over restrictions/bans applied for inappropriate behaviors when an incidence is not clear or not covered in the guidelines. Maintains ledger of debit, credits and balances of account and submits monthly treasury reports to Fellowship, takes in donations from fellowship from P.O. Box, pays website fee, pays for domain name of website, pays for P.O. Box, maintains prudent reserve of $140 dollars and sends excess in donations to SLAAFWS as per group conscience
*Ops not showing up for meetings Taken off agenda permanently, presenter of motion not present for third time
*How to Handle Crosstalk and Feedback - Have a once a month Ops meeting Approved. Tammy to arrange

New Business:
. New Ops:
Jtull/Rhino30- Not approved
(Lawrence) - Did not show up
Deb - Approved

Proposed policy on How to Handle Suicide Threats: Not approved
Motion:Ops - try to have individual go to #slaa2 with you and another Op. If an officer is present, please notify them about what is going on immediately. ?If the individual won't go to #slaa2 - devoice them in the main room and try to talk to them in pm.
Encourage them to call a friend or a family member. Encourage them to contact a local suicide hotline, or the "International Suicide Hotline". (The international suicide hotline numbers are listed at this website: http://suicideandmentalhealthassociationinternational.org/Crisis.html. This info will be posted on our website as well. Please bear in mind that while we have verified that some of the info at the International hotline is correct, some of the info has proved to be incorrect and cannot be completely relied on. So it is best to encourage them to contact their local suicide hotline). Encourage them to call 911 if need be. Please remember that we are not counselors. Do not try to counsel this individual - it might make the situation worse.
If you feel the situation is imminently lethal you have the option of tracing their ISP (internet service provider) by using this tool: http://network-tools.com/. The ISP can be contacted, and the ISP can alert authorities. Please be careful not to break this individuals anonymity. Please bear in mind that although this ISP tracing tool was recommended to us by "channels" (the owners of our server), it isn't 100% guaranteed accurate at all times.

Motion: Extend Meetings to 1 1/2 hours- due to increase in the size of our meetings (some times as many as 35 to 40 people). Tabled due to lateness of the hour