SLAA Online Group Conscience Business Meeting in #slaa2
Minutes for January 7th 2020 at 9 pm ET


troy moderated the meeting.


Serenity Prayer




Speaker Shares:

SLAA Online is nearing its 24th anniversary! January is SLAA Online’s birthday month.

As usual, members with sobriety length are invited to give a speaker share at a scheduled meeting time of choice during January 2020.

If you are interested in giving a speaker share, please contact the Office at

re Speaker Share:

Olga will be doing a Speaker Share on Wed Jan 15 at 12 noon in #slaa


Group Inventory: SLAA Online GC approved 02/05/19 the following motion to make an annual Group Inventory:

Motion: to have a Group Inventory process annually, inspired by questions from the Greater New York SLAA Intergroup’s format: as follows:

For a period of one month during Feb-Apr each year, members will be invited to contribute to a Group Inventory by email to the Office. During this one month period, details will be posted on the Announcements webpage and a link notice placed in the #slaa Entrymsg and announcements made at regular meetings. Members will be invited to submit answers to the following:

1) One thing they like about the group and/or meeting.

2) One thing they would like to see changed about the group and/or meeting.

3) One thing they plan to contribute to the group and/or meeting.

After the one month period, the received answers to 1) and 2) will be anonymized and collated for presentation in a Group Inventory Report to a Group Conscience Business Meeting. Answers to 3) will remain as personal responsibility of the contributors and will not be collated or reported. After presentation of the Group Inventory at a Group Conscience Business Meeting, responsibility will lie with all individual members to respond as they personally see fit by submitting any motions with proposals for change to Group Conscience Business Meeting as per usual process.


Read and approve January agenda - Link on website homepage - APPROVED


Read and approve December minutes - APPROVED


Read and approve Treasurer's report  - APPROVED

NOTE! $88 was received earmarked as Gratitude Month donations, which will be forwarded in full to SLAA FWS


Read and review Liaison Officer's report - REVIEWED


Op Applications



Old Business



New Business



10 Minute Open Forum


I believe Service is important in staying sober... Every share on inspirational line mentions it... therefore I hope and if successful would like to find something to be if Service in



i was interested in learning if there is a list of changes that were made based on last years' group conscience inventory. just curious.



such list is not published ... but recently suggested to the officer group that they go thru the 2019 inventory and identify what has been addressed and what is still outstanding



the group has existed now 24 years ... we are a big group ... with a sizeable steady membership ... and many also that come and go ... groups don't run themselves ... 7th tradition donations, op service and officer service are all essential for existence ... the real situation is: ... 7th tradition donations come in and we pay our way - but the donations come from a small proportion of the membership ... we have quite a few ops - some are more active than others ... we have 7 officer posts ... but only 3 elected officers - who must bear all the 7 posts' work amongst them ... so the current service situation works ... but is vulnerable as a lot lies on a few shoulders



So, what is possible for one with as yet limited recovery time?


possible ways to help: 7th trad donations always welcome and meaningful ... even small donations give great encouragement to the trusted servants. ... in meetings ... sometimes there is no op able to be present ... non-ops present can be of service ... by offering to lead the meeting, even without the script tools ... even non-ops can help with specific development projects ... for example - a non-op was the driving force behind developing sponsorship topic meetings ... you can also read the 2019 group inventory ...  and see if there is anything there you could help address. ...



so i decided that i would donate on each of my month anniversaries of being sober... new idea after having been in the program for a year and just randomly donating when the thought and opportunity arose... but when my anniversary came last month... i was so grateful to slaa online!! ... so that is when i had the idea. ... anyway, what i'm thinking is MAYBE... we could make a suggestion along those lines... the lines of being grateful for continued sobriety... or something like that...  suggesting anniversaries are a good opportunity. ... maybe adding it to the script?!



7th tradition is essential ... and having slaa available without cost to those who need that is also essential ... so any wording would need to be sensitive to that. our situation differs from f2f ... where it is custom and easier to put a couple of dollars or similar in the hat at every meeting ... online there is a different culture ...  one doesn't expect to pay for every online connexion ...  and paypal etc requires a little work ... but making regular donations, however small or big, really also makes a positive effect for the giver as well as the group



Serenity Prayer


Meeting adjourned