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Minutes of business meeting on Sun-02-May-99
The following was the net result of motions passed during the meeting:
Business meetings be conducted on the 15th of every month.
The following was tabled to the next business meeting:
Steering Committee

Meeting was called to order by Maxine at 11:17pm EDT with the Serenity Prayer.

Attendance: 11
5 Operators: Abram georgew Maxine RobZ TimF
1 Non-ops: Yo
5 Partial attendance: Brian Margaret RickB Sandi Sassy

Old Business: Explain final procedures and timeline for nomination and election of officers

Yo moved to accept the minutes of 4/16/99 as read.
RickB seconded.
Eight (+) Zero (-) Two (x) 7 of 10 needed. Motion passed.

RickB noted that he has computer skills that he very much enjoys giving to the cause. I still have a web site that was or is the channel site itself. What would we like to do with it? And I'm still 499 op here. I'd like to continue and help Max in a technical fashion if that's acceptable to everyone.
Maxine noted that she'd add those issues to the next business meeting agenda for discussion.

Maxine requested that before we get into old business, Tim explain nominations.
Tim noted we had already agreed in past meetings on many things. Most importantly toward the ultimate goal of electing officers, we established four offices, assigned them responsibilities and requirements, and established both a nominating and voting procedure that would allow as many members of this online community to participate as possible. All of that is reviewed in detail on the website by following the link called "nominating and voting procedures" - and I would encourage everyone to check it out and participate! What's important to note here is that we established TWO weeks for open nominations, followed by TWO weeks for voting. Therefore: we will accept nominations from Wed-28-Apr-99 through Thu-13-May-99 at 8pm EDT (4pm PDT). We will vote from Fri-14-May-99 at 9pm EDT (5pm PDT) through Sat-29-May-99 at 8pm EDT (4pm PDT). We will announce the results of the election at the regular meeting on Sat-29-May-99.
...Term of office will then begin Tue-1-Jun-99. Nominations have already begun - and these are also posted on the website by following the link "current nominations."
Abram asked how does voting take place.
Tim explained that we will conduct voting the same way as nominating, however, with regard to nominating, many may sit back and choose NOT to nominate if their selections are already listed as having accepted OR declined. But concerning voting, hopefully EVERYONE will participate and we will encourage that at every meeting. Just message me (or email me or icq me) anytime or message any other op in my absence - DURING the voting period.

Maxine noted the first item under old business is to establish a night for regular business meetings. We have discussed in the past to have them established as a certain day, say the 15th of each month. We have also discussed to have them say 3rd Thursday of each month. We need to establish a night convenient for most
Georgew pointed out that a fixed date means meeting may fall on a night of week that is poorly attended. I suggest we arrive at a night that has most attendance and make it the second or third Tuesday or Thursday or whatever, so as to promote maximum attendance.
RobZ disagreed. I feel that if we have it the same night as a certain meeting it may lower some attendance, if not put a strain to end that particular meeting early. If we change the night by using a specific date, it ensures some more may come to a less attended meeting and a regular date doesn't strain one particular meeting.
Abram noted that he is most able to attend a meeting on a specific night if it doesn't conflict. But Rob's point is valid: We need to remember to hold the business meeting in another channel so this one can be used for sharing.
Georgew commented on location (room). I would point out that last time we went to another room, only op's came to meeting. Everyone else stayed in #slaa to chitchat. I am not convinced another room is viable. This is only one night a month, so not a big impact
TimF noted that every meeting (AA, NA, ...) he's been in conducts their monthly meeting on the first or last (e.g. Tue) of each month. But they ONLY meet WEEKLY. We meet every night, and I think that by establishing a fixed DATE (e.g. 15th), it purposely moves the day around sort of randomly, thus allowing more members to attend by coincidence (like tonight).
Abram noted that it is certainly easier to remember fixed date than 2nd Tuesday of the month.
Sassy agreed with Abram.
RobZ moved to conduct business meetings on a specific date.
TimF seconded.
Seven (+) Zero (-) Zero (x) 5 of 7 needed. Motion passed.
RobZ moved that business meetings be conducted on the 15th of each month.
Maxine seconded.
Seven (+) Zero (-) Zero (x) 5 of 7 needed. Motion passed.

Rick reminded the group that the channel URL must be changed if it's officially different. It's an option under the chanopt command. There is a list of channels at the SL-IRC web site. If they have an official URL in the database, it's linked there.

Maxine noted the next item is to establish a steering committee.
Georgew suggested that committee be composed of 4 officers and 4 non-officers to maintain balance.
RobZ inquired what the steering committee is does.
Georgew explained that the steering committee's final functions need to be determined. They include items such as rewriting guidelines and a charter for #slaa, and providing advice and research in issues that may arise. A steering committee is usually assigned tasks by chair to suit the needs of the group and rarely has permanent plans except for several items such as charter issues (bylaws) and guidelines.
TimF added that they will work toward getting future "new business motions" worded carefully and then placing the motions onto the floor at business meetings -- which will help with accuracy and elimination of ambiguity ahead of time so that motions will hopefully move forward more quickly. The "rewrite" of policy is a MAJOR undertaking and will take a long time. Hopefully we will add many more recovery links to the website, but that kind of suggestion should come from a group rather than one or two people.
Maxine noted that ANYONE can bring issues to the floor during business meetings, and ANYONE can make motions.
Abram remarked that some time ago, the suggestion was that the steering committee be composed of op's. Is that still being considered?
Maxine noted that so far, the suggestion on the floor is to have it be the 4 officers along with 4 non-officers, and has nothing to do with op's.
Georgew remarked that interest is most important, as the steering committee does the hard legwork. Maybe some recovery should be attached so newbies who may not stay get involved. I also think non-ops should be volunteers to insure willingness to work. 4 officers pick final 4 persons.
TimF explained that he personally feels that the more the merrier, and that unlike offices, committees are usually made up of volunteers. There is usually flush and flow, as people gain and/or lose interest, but the more people, the more opinions and more information. Some may know traditions better; some may know how to get more people involved; some may have specialties (like really WANTING to help write charter); and some may just show up and lend support. My feeling is that its size shouldn't be limited whatsoever, and is open to all that are interested.
Abram supported TimF's position.
Georgew pointed out that he has 35 years of experience being a member and chair on committees and large committees invariably have a difficult time getting work done, argue interminably, get bogged down in nuances, and rarely accomplish much compared to a small focused group. I have seen this ALL the time. Big committees rarely can arrive at consensus and nothing worthwhile is done in any reasonable time. Get a few people who want to work, this isn't a welcome wagon but a device to make things happen.
Yo, TimF, and Abram all had hands raised for further discussion on this matter.
Maxine tabled this discussion for lack of time and adjourned meeting.

Meeting was closed at 12:23am EDT with the Serenity Prayer.