Present: Christina, Lotus, AndyJB, BillH, BobK, bright, ck, Curtis, Diane12, espo, Jenniie, l-bob, Lynn, Meghan, mscott, Roxane, TAPSfan, Tencha, xiaochuch.
Meeting was called to order at 10:05pm
The minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted.
The agenda for this meeting was read and accepted.
The Treasurers report was read and accepted.
Curtis was nominated
for Secretary and Chris was nominated for Liason. Since both were unopposed they
will begin their duties immediately.
Motion to remove construction
signs and clarify website. Approved.
New Ops:
Espo confirmed as new
operator. Alex and Karl were not present so will be voted on at next meeting.
Motion to place a Bot in the room was tabled until the presenter could be attend the meeting.
Motion to have instuctional meetings for operators on disciplinary measures was tabled until next month.
Motion to allow a new meeting for Newbies was approved. Jennie and ck will coordinate this meeting.
Request for an agenda item for next meeting: To open the positions of Chair and Co-Chair to nominations.
Meeting adjourned at 11:45pm
Submitted by: Curtis