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Start of #slaa2 buffer: Tue Aug 01 22:11:19 2006
I. Reading of Minutes and Approval ( II. Treasurer's
( III. Old Business – Tabled motions from
previous meeting are
suggested to be completed first
1. (Charles) Motion: The decisions of SLAA Online
Group only pertain to scheduled and/or moderated meetings of SLAA Online Group.
Any activities outside of a scheduled and/or moderated meetings, such as general
chat or
private message, do not fall under our group conscience, EXCEPT IN CASES OF
2. (Charles) Motion: To keep people safe during moderated meetings, we vote
to give
the trusted servant of each meeting the right to devoice someone if they are
disruptive only
for the length of each meeting.
3. (Eric) Motion: Any member will be able to appeal to the group's trusted servants
(Officers) whenever they feel an operator (officers included) has acted improperly
in using
the powers granted them to moderate meetings. Upon review of the complaint,
the operator
may be suspended from operator status until such time that a group conscience
vote can be
taken to address the issue. The group Conscience of the #SLAA Online community
will determine
if the operator is to be re-instated as a trusted servant or not.
4. (Eric) Whereas there is an agenda item on the SLAA Conference-wide Annual
Meeting regarding respresentation of this online group, it is moved that a committee
be formed
to explore the general structure of this group to see if this group in fact
qualifies as an
"intergroup" and thereby could apply for representation at said Business
Meetings, function as
an intergroup in relation to the duties of its Trusted Servants and better support
the Primary
Purpose of each and every meeting hosted on this forum; "to carry its message
to the sex and
love addict who still suffers."
IV) New Business:
1.) Bill_H has requested to be an op.
2.) Sharing scripts created for slaa with other
12 step groups.
3.) The moving of the business meeting to the
15th of the month. ( We did review this issue
only 3 months ago.)
4.) Is it ok to let everyone have the scripts and
share in the color and fun of encouraging others
while in channel. (This does not allow anyone
to moderate the room, Kicking cant happen,
and neither can baning.) Those three things
can only be done by a trusted servant known
as an OP while in channel.
This does not change anything
with regards to being an op. By doing this
we make it easier for all to share in the
responsibility of leading a meeting. There is
currently no guideline regarding leading a meeting.
Hence this measure makes it easier for all who want
to participate in the recovery process and service at
the meeting level. The scripts are nice and easy to
use to format the meeting.
5) Early morning SLAA meeting proposed.
With the large number of motions for this meeting, I am proposing that the meeting
follow a modified set of rules.
I am going to suggest that when dealing with the motions, each member present
will be
given the chance to share once per motion.
Additionally, the shares will be limited to 3 minutes. Any member may request
a motion
be tabled and a vote will be taken at that point to decide if the motion should
indeed be
tabled. Additionally, if any member wishes to call the question on the motion
a vote will
be taken at that point to determine if discussion should be closed on the motion.
Once all who wish to and are eligible to share or the question has been successfully
a vote will be taken on the motion.
All Motions have been listed here. If the hour is late, the motions must be
Tabling the motions immediately upon the motions being presented is, however,
an option.
At this time we will vote first on the agenda itself and secondly - as well
as separately -
on the proposed rules for the meeting.
Vote to accept the Agenda as posted:
Agenda accepted.
Vote please for the proposed rules for the meeting
Rules accepted.. thanks
The motion carries 6 - 1 - 2
Treasurers Report accepted
Minutes for July accepted unanimously
2. (Charles) Motion: To keep people safe during moderated meetings, we vote
to give
the trusted servant of each meeting the right to devoice someone if they are
disruptive only
for the length of each meeting.
Motion Carries 6 - 0 - 2
June's minutes...Tables to September 6 -0 -0
3. (Eric) Motion: Any member will be able to appeal to the group's trusted
(Officers) whenever they feel an operator (officers included) has acted improperly
in using
the powers granted them to moderate meetings. Upon review of the complaint,
the operator
may be suspended from operator status until such time that a group conscience
vote can be
taken to address the issue. The group Conscience of the #SLAA Online community
will determine
if the operator is to be re-instated as a trusted servant or not.
Motion now carries 4 - 3 - 0
4. (Eric) Whereas there is an agenda item on the SLAA Conference-wide Annual
Meeting regarding respresentation of this online group, it is moved that a committee
be formed
to explore the general structure of this group to see if this group in fact
qualifies as an
"intergroup" and thereby could apply for representation at said Business
Meetings, function as
an intergroup in relation to the duties of its Trusted Servants and better support
the Primary
Purpose of each and every meeting hosted on this forum; "to carry its message
to the sex and
love addict who still suffers."
The motion carries 6 - 0 - 2
* @ewg voluteers to form committee and report back to this group conscience with a proposed course of action
Motion accepted unanimously
IV) New Business:
1.) Bill_H has requested to be an op.
Motion to accept Bill as an new op carries unanimously.
2.) Sharing scripts created for slaa with other
12 step groups.
Motion passes unanimously
3.) The moving of the business meeting to the
15th of the month. ( We did review this issue
only 3 months ago.)
Motion does not carry 2-4-2
4.) Is it ok to let everyone have the scripts and
share in the color and fun of encouraging others
while in channel. (This does not allow anyone
to moderate the room, Kicking cant happen,
and neither can baning.) Those three things
can only be done by a trusted servant known
as an OP while in channel.
This does not change anything
with regards to being an op. By doing this
we make it easier for all to share in the
responsibility of leading a meeting. There is
currently no guideline regarding leading a meeting.
Hence this measure makes it easier for all who want
to participate in the recovery process and service at
the meeting level. The scripts are nice and easy to
use to format the meeting.
Motion Carries 6-4-1
May I suggest we leave that up to our webmaster and co-webmaster
The motion carries
8 - 1 - 2
Anyone can start a meeting for any reason at anytime slot so long as their isnt
a meeting already in existence that is functional
The motion carries unanimously