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Meeting for Business, October 15, 2002

Members Present for the meeting were: Tim, Nate, MikeBG, Leighia, Dave, Dan (df), Ann, Van, Vicki, Jen, Becky, Toby, Jonathan, Marg, and Rudy.

Announcements were made by TimF. Don (dkd), David (Spiderman), Slaima, BobW, and Terry are new operators. The schedule for ops was announced again with an additional announcement that an email will go out soon to redo the schedule of ops. A request has been made for a Saturday 4:30 meeting. Volunteers are needed. Only Michelle volunteered to be on a committee to look at op status during meetings. Unless others step forward, no action will be taken, and the matter is considered closed for now. This means any and all operators may authenticate during a meeting. Tim asks us to consider proxy voting for the future of #slaa, since we average only 12 members per meeting. SLAA-FWS business meeting is in July/ August 2003, in Boston, MA. 2003 International Recovery Convention will occur Oct 10-12, 2003 in St. Petersburg, FL. If interested email Hazeldon is promoting a new meditation book by M Beattie. For more information go to

The first item of business discussed was Guidelines to qualify to become an operator. Tim pointed out the importance of understanding the difference between f2f meetings and online meetings and how online meetings flow. This item was introduced by Joy and Tim. Possibilities discussed included a training committee and online recovery time. Within the last year, two members met the sobriety time requirement but were very new to the online format. The question posed was: should we require a period of online attendance before a member can volunteer to become an op. A motion was made by Leigha to require 30 meetings to become an op. The motion was seconded by Mike and the item was passed. This makes the new requirements to become an op:
30 days self-defined sobriety
30 days warning or ban free
30 online meetings

The second item of business was based on a suggestion that we add a 7th tradition statement to our website or closing statement. There was a motion of this nature 2 years ago, and that motion was defeated. It was suggested that since we have a flat-line budget that all donations go to FWS, as it has expenses and supports our group. Three points were made in lieu of this discussion. FWS only has one month of operating costs in reserve, if every group donates $6.50 weekly, they can reach there annual costs without seeking contributions. It may be possible in the future to have a treasurer and a budget of our own if we register a domain name and pay for web hosting. The motion was made, by Jonathan, to add a 7th tradition tag line to the closing scripts. The funds would be sent directly to FWS. The motion was seconded by Becky. This item was passed.

The third item was how to collect our opinion at #slaa on a new book of experiences. SLAA_FWS specifically wants to know how many volumes and what the pricing should be. They have approached #slaa for input. A final tally will be taken at the 11/15 business meeting. Tim said he would email all operators and let them know about it. That would allow the operators to ask the members at each meeting for input. The motion was made by Becky and seconded by Leigha to handle the matter in this way. The motion carried.

The meetings was adjourned at 11:34 (ET) on October 16, 2002.

Submitted by,

Leigha, Secretary

Posted by Dave, Webmaster