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I. (A) Reading of Minutes - (B) Approval of Minutes II. Old Business (A) Susan's report on meeting schedule status-Tabled (susan absent) (B) Ken's Report on Guideline Committee- Tabled-secretary and liason to work to resolve basic format for review questionaire. III. (A) Treasurer's Report - (B) Approval of Treasures reports from Jan and February IV. New Business a. New Ops? Janey, Artz, Leenie, and SoLou-all approved by vote accept SoLou who was absent- His is tabled. b. Filling of Web-Master and Co-Web Positions-Advertise on banner for Help. c. Adding one or two speaker meetings per month-added one speaker share per month d. Alex: Questions regarding shares that include illegal activities -Alex absent-tabled due to hour. e. Discusion of alternating the business meetings every other month to be at noon so that the members from different time zones could participate- Tabled due to hour. f. Lynn volunteered to organize speaker shares. V. Closing Prayer |