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Minutes for Members Meeting April 15, 2002

Members present were: Carriesmar, Pony, Ricky, Dave, ubergoober, Leigha, GeorgeW, TimF, Jonathan, Joy, Sassy, Vicki

GeorgeW opened the meeting with a prayer.

The meeting minutes from 2/15/02 and 3/15/02 were brought up for approval. The minutes had been posted at the site. No additions or corrections were made. Tim F made a motion to approve the minutes with Vicki seconding this motion.

The old business listed on the site as items 3 through 7 were tabled so that the current items 8 and 9 could be addressed. No objections were made to this request.

Nominating and voting process - Announcements will be made at nearly all meetings (or in CStar's greeting) to let any operator know of nominations in May and votes in June. Then the operator can email with the name of the members’ usual nickname (so we know who they are) or say in the room who their nominee is. Terms of office are 7/1/02 - 6/30/03. During the month of May, the secretary will be responsible for taking nominations. Nominees will need to accept or reject their nomination. The final vote for all posted and accepted candidates will be made in the period of the month of June. Tallies will be taken by the secretary or in their absence another officer. Tim F volunteered if this should occur.

Scripts and Training: Tim F reported that from March it was agreed that all operators would incorporate sex And Love addiction in the opening reading. However, some operators still use old scripts (some of which aren't SLAA at all) with errors in the wording of the steps and traditions. The real issue George W stated is redoing the master scripts and that the scripts be the same used by all. Tim F agreed and added that a committee could be formed. The procedures can be broken down into segments of scripts/training and manual, etc. Vicki wanted to add that training was an important portion of this item. Tim added a mix of different expertise in this group helps everyone see how things need to be explained. Volunteers for this committee were: Sassy, Vicki and TimF. George made a motion that we form a committee to redo scripts, keep a list of active ops and help all new ops learn how to use the scripts and write their own. TimF seconded this motion. The motion was voted on and passed.

Tim F made a motion to close the meeting with Vicki seconding this motion. All were in favor. Carrie led the closing prayer.

Respectfully submitted by,

Vicki, Secretary