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Minutes for Members Meeting February 15, 2002

Members in attendance: Carrie, Dave, Myra, Rick B, Tim F, munjoymam, and Vicki

Rick B. called the meeting to order. The meeting minutes from January 2002 were approved with the correction of several members being added to the roster of attendees. These people were: Another_Me, Charlie R., cher, dfwron, and james2. With these additions the minutes were voted on and passed for approval.

Rick B. requested with the agreement of Tim F to push forward the discussion of the word document announcing online meetings to f2f groups and modifying the requirements of the operators. This motion was voted on and carried for the agenda of the meeting.

Word Document temporarily displayed at giving online meeting information to f2f 'S' groups in a downloadable form was discussed next. It was discussed to put this in a text document also. The web page would display an ad banner on top and the downloadable documents wouldn't. The word document would include the SLAA logo but the text document couldn't, explained Tim F. Tim F requested tabling the discussion on this project until Marck 15 meeting when we can review the document for wording and Tim said he could create another web page explaining how this all works.

Rick B next brought up the modifying the requirements of operators to include the requesting member not have experienced any warning and/or ban in the prior 30 days. Tim F went on to explain that the intention of this motion is to add a second qualification to those offering to be a trusted servant. Tim F motioned this operator requirement be accepted as written above and Vicki seconded this motion. The motion was voted on with a deciding vote for the motion with 6 for and 1 against.

Tim moved to adjourn the meeting and Carrie seconded the motion to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Vicki