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Minutes for Members Meeting October 15, 2001

Present: TimF, Paul, TxChuck, Sassy, PeteC, mumJoyman, and VJ

Vice Chairman, TxChuck started the SLAA business meeting. After a quorum was discussed the meeting began. The meeting minutes from last months meeting were tabled for approval.

Motions made and passed were:

Audit the operator's email addresses, placing them at one location like (password protected), and cleaning up obsolete masks on CStar. TxChuck and TimF are willing to help in this task.

Operators should update certain scripts like slopen.txt to correct wording, end.txt to include promises, Step 1 to correct wording, Step 12 to correct wording, a script to play to late newcomers, and a script for tradition meetings (on the first Monday of each month per 15-October-99 group conscience). If operators update using the new scripts folder now available, this is taken care of. If operators don't wish to use the new folder, they should edit their existing scripts accordingly.

There is one ban of George's dated 9/26/00; one ban (two ISP's) of Rick's dated 1/1/01; and one ban of Rick's dated 7/3/01. These bans are lifted immediately.

Tabled items were:

Establish group conscience about establishing a members' message board and/or email list. A motion was made to table this until next months meeting.

Verify the existence of the Aussie/Kiwi meeting (Fri 9pm Aust ET / Fri 11pm NZ / Fri 7am US ET). VJ said she would check out this meeting to see if people are in attendance.

Consider at $69.90 for 2 years ( to avoid all banners & pop-ups, provide unlimited mail forwarding, and look more professional. This item was tabled until next month.

Someone suggested having topic meetings other than Step and Gratitude. We can consider discussion of this. TxChuck, PeteC and VJ will meet online Sunday Oct 28 at 4:00 CST to discuss this further.

A letter from a member was read to the people in attendance. TimF will put the points made into a motion format for next months meeting. VJ offered to draft a welcoming statement to send to the officers.

Items that were voted against:

A woman is writing an article for Marie Claire Magazine about women who stand by their men. She is looking for a few articulate women who can address what it is like to be married to a sex addict. If interested, write to or private message TimF. This was decided that it was against Traditions and was dropped from further discussion.

TimF led the group in a closing prayer to end the meeting.